Topics: NATSO News Weekly

State Department Report Says Keystone Pipeline To Have Little Environmental Impact

The Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline cleared another hurdle last week after a draft report by the State Department concluded that building the pipeline would have little impact on the environment. The report quickly fueled renewed GOP pressure on President Obama to approve the pipeline. More

Wisconsin Voters to Decide on Protecting Transportation Funds

In the next election, Wisconsin voters will have the opportunity to approve an amendment to their state constitution that would prevent governors and legislators from diverting money in the state’s transportation fund to any other purpose. More

Virginia Transportation Legislation A Victory for NATSO, ATA and Tolling Opponents

The Virginia General Assembly on Saturday approved landmark transportation legislation, which includes a provision to require legislative approval on tolls on I-95 south of Fredericksburg, a major victory for NATSO, the American Trucking Associations and the grassroots coalition that have been fighting the state's tolling proposal for more than a year. The transportation legislation puts an end to the Virginia Department of Transportation’s plan to toll I-95 and demonstrates growing opposition to tolls on existing interstates. More

Wyoming Passes Legislation Increasing Fuel Tax

Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead (R) has signed a bill that will increase the state's tax on diesel and gasoline to 24 cents beginning in July, up from the current 14-cent-per-gallon tax. More

U.S. Senators Introduce Legislation to Block Ethanol Increases

U.S. Senators Roger Wicker (R-M.S.) and David Vitter (R-La.) have introduced legislation to block an increase in the amount of ethanol that can be blended with gasoline. The bill would overturn Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) waivers that allowed gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol (E15) to be used for many passenger cars and light trucks, and would prohibit the agency from granting future waivers for any blends above 10 percent ethanol. More

Critics: Obama's "Fix It First" Is Uninspired

Critics of President Obama's "Fix It First" plan, to inject $40 billion into critically failing infrastructure, call it a "band-aid" approach that misses opportunities generate economic growth, jobs and create a legacy for future generations. More

New York Bill Creates Incentives for Truck Parking

The New York State Legislature is considering a measure that would create tax incentives and a loan program to fund truck parking in the state. The bill, S3773, would create a 50 percent tax credit for owners or operators of private rest areas, truckstops and travel plazas that provide truck drivers with safe parking, and create a 20 percent tax credit for shipping and receiving facilities that agree to provide truck drivers with a secure area to rest while waiting for pending appointments or to observing federal hours-of-service regulations. The measure is awaiting consideration in the Senate Transportation Committee. More

Truck Tonnage Increases in January

The American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index increased 2.9 percent in January after jumping 2.4 percent in December. Tonnage has surged at least 2.4 percent every month since November, gaining a total of 9.1 percent over that period. Seasonally adjusted data takes into account items such as weather, increased factory production for certain times of the year, harvests and back-to-school sales. More

Virginia Transportation Legislation Headed to Conference Committee

Both the Virginia Senate and House have approved their transportation bills, which now move into a conference committee as the two groups work to hash out differences between the plans before the General Assembly’s session ends on Feb. 23. More

Gilbarco and PayPal Bring Mobile Payments to the Pump

Gilbarco Veeder-Root and PayPal have teamed up to make PayPal an accepted payment method at tens of thousands of fueling stations around the U.S. Gilbarco said the move will allow retailers to connect more effectively with customers and simplify the way people pay for fuel and purchase in-store items. Through the partnership, Gilbarco gains access to a new user base--PayPal’s 125 million global users and the 55 million Americans who use a PayPal account right now, while also giving merchants using Gilbarco's equipment the ability to sell additional items through PayPal Wallet. More

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