Mike Lombardi

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Attendance at Day on Capitol Hill Matters to Your Legislators

I have attended the Day on the Hill event for over ten years. After my first year, I was hooked. Not only did I surprise myself and do quite well, I did have a sense of civic pride because this is how Congress works and a very effective way to get our company’s and our industry’s positions out to key legislation. More

Sneak Peek of Federated Insurance’s Travel Plaza Loss Control Guide

When insurance underwriters look at your business, they are trying to determine whether insuring your business can be profitable for their companies in the long-term. In most cases, there is no single factor that determines your operation’s acceptability or unacceptability. More

The NATSO Show Features Innovations from Around the World and The Outlook of Fuel

This year's NATSO Show is packed with keynote sessions led by innovative experts focused on ahead-of-the-curve trends. Monday, Feb. 20 brings two keynote sessions that operators won't want to miss. More