Topics: employer mandate

Employer Mandate Penalty Notices Reportedly Forthcoming

NATSO has learned that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may be starting to send out notices to employers regarding potential tax liability under the Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare") employer mandate for calendar year 2015. Calendar year 2015 was the first year of reporting under the 6055 and 6056 reporting requirements (forms 1094 and 1095). The data for 2015 calendar year reporting was due to the IRS in March of 2016. The IRS has been reconciling this data and this is why the 2015 notices are being sent. More

Legislation Introduced to Streamline Employer Reporting Requirements Under Affordable Care Act

U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) introduced bipartisan legislation Oct. 3 that seeks to streamline the employer reporting requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), to make it more flexible and less burdensome for employers. More

Employers Want Rollback of HealthCare Law Employer Mandate, Survey Finds

Nearly 70 percent of employers want a rollback of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) employer mandate, according to a new survey from global consulting firm, Mercer. More than 80 percent of the 644 employers polled cited significant additional administrative burdens as one of their chief complaints, with 51 percent classifying the administrative burdens as “very significant.” More

IRS Launches ACA Resource Page for Employers

The Internal Revenue Service on Sept. 23 announced a new web page offering information on the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate and reporting requirements. The ACA Information Center for Applicable Large Employers (ALE) web page provides information and resources for employers of all sizes, including sections to help employers determine if they are an applicable large employer as well as outreach materials. More

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