Drugstores Are Offering Increased Competition to Truckstops

More and more businesses are expanding their services and creeping into territory that was once served primarily by the truckstop and travel plaza industry. Throughout the year, Stop Watch is examining specific groups that are entering this space, including dealerships, carriers’ distribution centers and turnpikes, how they’re changing and what NATSO members need to know about the category. Visit www.natso.com/increasedcompetition to see all the articles.

DrugstoresforArticle.jpgPhoto credit: Brittany Palmer/NATSO

Today’s customers are seek­ing convenience, and more and more retailers are working to meet that need. Drugstores are among those that are offering more grab-and-go foods and many of them are even starting to locate close to the interstate.

“It is something I think we need to be aware of. They have similar offerings and a lot of them are putting in grab-and-go foods, coffee programs and fountain soda programs,” said Darren Schulte, vice president of membership for NATSO. “When NATSO mem­bers think about how they want to innovate to prepare for the fu­ture, this is a category to watch.” Operators on NATSO's Food and Fuel Tour in July visited Wal­greens to experience and learn about this trend...

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